Student Wellbeing
Our Student Wellbeing Program
Student Wellbeing relates to and is central to the life of each Sacré Cœur student. As such, we have a whole school approach to Student Wellbeing, recognising that wellbeing entails all dimensions of a person: the intellectual, social and emotional, moral, physical, aesthetic and spiritual.
At the heart of our School, is a deep and active regard for each young woman’s wellbeing. Our School policies, programs, structures and curriculum and, in fact, all our undertakings, are student-centred.
There are many aspects of Student Wellbeing and a variety of wellbeing affiliated programs. Two core programs through which we deliver the Pastoral Curriculum are the Wellness Program (P-6) and the Cor Unum Program (7-12). At each Year Level, the curriculum, which is based on standards of best practice and accredited wellbeing frameworks, is specifically developed to address pertinent issues facing girls at their particular age and stage of development.
Accompanying the core pastoral curriculum are targeted skills and values.
Underpinning Student Wellbeing is our School’s Restorative Practices Approach, which places relationships at the centre of student behaviour. Restorative Practices enable students to develop their emotional intelligence, reflect upon and change behaviour and build relationships. Compassion, forgiveness, respect, inclusivity and responsibility are some of the keystone values which are fostered in our students through Restorative Practices.
Ultimately, at Sacré Cœur, student wellbeing means the pursuit of excellence and rigour, in the context of a growth mindset, within a supportive and nurturing learning environment. Such an environment affords all students experiences of connectedness, a sense of belonging, engagement and positive, respectful relationships with peers and teachers.
Self-worth, purpose, tenacity, optimism and hope lie at the heart of Sacré Cœur’s Student Wellbeing philosophy.
Restorative Practices
“Let us look at each child with deep respect. She is made in the image of God and already it exits in her the capacity to choose all that is good if we take the time to awaken her reason and to help her to put into practice her capacity for reflection.”
Madeleine Sophie Barat RSCJ
At Sacré Cœur, we believe that positive relationships lie at the heart of learning and for children to be ready to learn, they must firstly feel happy and secure. How to get along with others, how to form positive and life giving relationships and how to resolve conflict is part of what each person must learn in order to live rich, hope-filled and rewarding lives.
Sacré Cœur uses the approach known as Restorative Practices to respond to and manage conflict and challenging behaviours and to foster personal accountability and socially responsible relationships between people. Restorative Practices is based on the principles of affirmation, respect and reciprocal responsibility. It teaches positive social interaction and emotional literacy and helps students learn to understanding of how their behaviour impacts on others.
Restorative Practices sit within the context of both Catholic teaching and the goals of Sacred Heart education. At its core, Restorative Practices values the dignity and inherent goodness of each person and promotes forgiveness, healing and avenues of reconciliation for each person harmed when there is an area of conflict.
Health Care

We take caring for our students very seriously. At all times, the health, wellbeing and safety of our students are paramount considerations in the day to day operations of the School.
However, accidents do happen and sometimes, students become ill at school.
At Sacré Cœur, you have peace of mind knowing that if minor accidents or illnesses occur during school hours, your child will be tended to by one of our trained nurses in our Health Centre.
Where there is an incident or illness requiring professional medical care, parents are immediately notified, or an appropriate action plan is put into place to ensure the wellbeing of the students in our care.
At Sacré Cœur, we closely monitor and implement the advice from the Department of Health and Human Services with regards to the Coronavirus (COVID19). The School has a detailed COVID19 Safe Plan and COVID19 Emergency Response Plan. Our School Nurses are well prepared and trained to look after and care for students whilst meeting all COVID19 protocols.
Cabrini Emergency Department (ED) extends a 50% discount to our students. When attending the ED simply mention Sacré Cœur on arrival. This offer is open to students 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Child Safety
Sacré Cœur Commitment to Child Safety

Sacré Cœur promotes the safety, wellbeing and inclusion of all children.
All students enrolled at Sacré Cœur have the right to feel safe and to be safe. The wellbeing of children in our care will always be our first priority and we do not and will not tolerate child abuse. We aim to create a child-safe and child-friendly environment where children are free to enjoy life to the full without any concern for their safety. There is particular attention paid to the most vulnerable children, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children, children from culturally and/or linguistically diverse backgrounds, and children with a disability.
Our commitment to our students
(a) We commit to the safety and wellbeing of all children and young people enrolled in our school.
(b) We commit to providing children and young people with positive and nurturing experiences.
(c) We commit to listening to children and young people and empowering them by taking their views seriously, and addressing any concerns that they raise with us.
(d) We commit to taking action to ensure that children and young people are protected from abuse or harm.
(e) We commit to teaching children and young people the necessary skills and knowledge to understand and maintain their personal safety and wellbeing.
(f) We commit to seeking input and feedback from students regarding the creation of a safe school environment.
Our commitment to parents and carers
(a) We commit to communicating honestly and openly with parents and carers about the wellbeing and safety of their children.
(b) We commit to engaging with, and listening to, the views of parents and carers about our child-safety practice, policies and procedures.
(c) We commit to transparency in our decision-making with parents and carers where it will not compromise the safety of children or young people.
(d) We commit to acknowledging the cultural diversity of students and families, and being sensitive to how this may impact on student safety issues.
(e) We commit to continuously reviewing and improving our systems to protect children from abuse.
Our commitment to our school staff (school employees, volunteers, contractors and clergy)
(a) We commit to providing all Sacré Cœur staff with the necessary support to enable them to fulfil their roles. This will include regular and appropriate learning opportunities to clarify and confirm policy and procedures in relation to child safety and young people’s protection and wellbeing.
(b) We commit to providing regular opportunities to clarify and confirm policy and procedures in relation to child safety and young people’s protection and wellbeing. This will include annual training in the principles and intent of the Child Safety Policy and Child Safety Code of Conduct, and staff responsibilities to report concerns.
(c) We commit to listening to all concerns voiced by Sacré Cœur staff, clergy, volunteers, and contractors about keeping children and young people safe from harm.
(d) We commit to providing opportunities for Sacré Cœur staff, volunteers, contractors and clergy to receive formal debriefing and counselling arising from incidents of the abuse of a child or young person.
Student Safety and Participation
At Sacré Cœur, we actively encourage all students to openly express their views and feel comfortable about giving voice to the things that are important to them.
We teach students about what they can do if they feel unsafe and enable them to understand, identify, discuss and report on child safety. We listen to and act on any concerns students, or their parents or carers, raise with us.
Child Safety Officer
Sacré Cœur’s Child Safety Policy demonstrates the School’s commitment to the Victorian Child Safe Standards as set out in Ministerial Order No. 870.
The Child Safe Standards requires schools to plan, implement and review strategies that will embed a culture of child safety. in conjunction with the Principal, the Child Safety Officer (Director of Risk and Compliance) plays an essential role in ensuring that Sacré Cœur is a child safe school. The Child Safety Officer (Director of Risk and Compliance) leads the School’s Child Safety Culture by providing support, advice, training, monitoring, communicating and the implementation of Child Safety processes.
Child Safety Policies
- Child Safety Code of Conduct (2022)
- Child Safety and Wellbeing Policy (2022)
- Engaging Families in Child Safety Policy (2022)
- PROTECT Identifying and Responding to Abuse Reporting Obligations Policy (2022)
- CECV Commitment Statement to Child Safety (2022)
- Child Safeguarding Commitment Statement (2021)
- Student Child Safety Policy - Junior School
- Student Child Safety Policy - Senior School
- Anaphylaxis and Allergic Reaction Policy