Alumnae Association
The Sacré Cœur Alumnae Association began in October 1917 and was then called the Sacré Cœur Old Girls’ Association. Its purpose remains the same today: to support contact between former pupils of Burke Road and also pupils of other RSCJ Schools living in Victoria; to foster the Cor Unum spirit of the RSCJ; to conduct two Masses each year— one for existing members and one for deceased members, and to support works of charity in keeping with the character of the RSCJ education.
Decade and half-decade Class Reunions are facilitated by the Association’s Committee, beginning with a cocktail party in the Parlour and a School Tour. Alumnae golfers compete for the Alumnae Golf Cup at the Annual School Golf Day and participate in other sporting activities, such as Netball.
The Association enjoys an active and collaborative relationship with the School and it is represented on all relevant School Community committees and participates in School functions and events.
For enquires email or call 03 9835 2700.
- Co-President – Celeste Medcalfe (1987)
- Co-President – Mylinh Lee (1989)
- Secretary – TBA
- Treasurer – Claire Arbuthnot (2017)
General Committee Members
- Jane Murfett (1977)
- Krystal Salloum (2018)
- Gabrielle Garlepp (1980)
- Genevieve Grabau (1975)
- Lizzie Joyce (1984)
- Brigitte Kourasanis (2014)
- Steph Quinn (1985)
- Lorena Buccella (2016)
- Meg Lauritz (1999)
- Anna Lauritz (2001)
- Olivia Fagan (2016)
Membership is drawn from past students of the earliest houses of the School, briefly at Hiawatha, Balaclava, and Clifton, Malvern and then from 1888 onwards from those at Burke Road, Glen Iris. Recent amendments to the constitution have broadened the eligibility base to include any student who has attended any another Sacré Cœur school or institution
Stay Connected
Members are emailed the Esprit de Cœur newsletter four times per year and receive the Burke Road Bulletin two times per year. These communications contain alumnae material including the births, deaths, marriages and photos of reunions and other events, as well as up-to-date school information.
Links to the latest editions of the Esprit de Cœur are listed to the right of this page.
Commemorative Tea Towel

To celebrate 135 Years of Sacré Cœur, the Alumnae Association have produced a commemorative tea towel.
It was launched at the Alumnae High Tea and was a popular purchase for the home and as gifts. Buy yours today!
There are three options for purchasing:
- Order for Delivery or Collect from Reception at the School via
- OR
- Purchase at the Sacré Cœur Shop
Monday 8-11am
Wednesday 8-11am
Thursday 8-11am
p. 03 9835 2752
Mass of Remembrance
Each year we remember our deceased alumnae and friends at our Mass of Remembrance in the Chapel.
We invite you to join us for the Mass of Remembrance, a cherished tradition that offers a moment to pause, reflect, and honor the lives of loved ones who are no longer with us.
This special gathering is not just an occasion for remembrance but also a celebration of the enduring connections we hold within the Sacré Coeur community—among alumnae, staff, parents, and friends.
Please feel free to download the 2024 Mass booklet
Special Events – Weddings
It is always an honour for the School to be approached by alumnae to hold their wedding in our beautiful Chapel. Please note, however, that we cannot accept bookings for Friday evenings or during the school holidays. To book your wedding, please contact the Community Relations Team via email.
National and International Collaboration
Association Mondial des Anciens et Anciennes du Sacré-Cœur, (AMASC) was formed in 1960 in Brussels at the request of Reverend Mother General de Valon. Reverend Mother de Valon saw the important and vital role the alumnae and alumni could play in fostering the work and spirit of the Society of the Sacred Heart. National Associations of women and men were organized to form the World Association that included alumnae and alumni from over 38 countries.
Locally, the Australian Sacré Cœur Association (ASCA) is the vital body which links the alumnae associations from Sacré Cœur Burke Road (VIC), Sacre Coeur Association of NSW, Stuartholme (QLD) together; and in turn connects us to the World Body; AMASC.
Sancta Sophia College (NSW) and Duchesne College (QLD) whilst not active or paying members of ASCA are captured as part of the community of Sacré Cœur and are connected to the relevant schools via the RSCJ’s administration of the colleges when they were initially set up.
In addition, Baradene in Auckland New Zealand is the fourth Sacred Heart School that consists of the Australia and New Zealand Network of Sacred Heart Schools in the Australia New Zealand Province.
The purpose of ASCA is to create and maintain friendship and solidarity between Australian Alumnae and all National Federations and Associations of Alumnae of the Sacred Heart with the aim of achieving true national and international collaboration. It is a non-profit organisation. Alumnae of all three schools are automatically lifelong members via their individual alumnae memberships.
Every four years the responsibility of forming a committee and running ASCA is rotated around the three Sacred Heart schools in Australia. Sacré Cœur in Melbourne hold the Presidency (until end 2019) and can respond to any questions you may have in Aldi Bodybuilding Einkauf! femara 2 5 door dragon pharma in nederland letrozole 15 bodybuilding-tips voor beginners regards to the AMASC and the international alumnae Congress that is held every four years. The next Congress is anticipated to be held in 2022.
For enquiries email or call 03 9835 2700
Other member school alumnae can be contacted here: