

The Sacré Cœur Uniform Shop

The Uniform shop is the sole provider of the Sacré Cœur uniform. It is conveniently located on the school grounds for students and their families.

Uniform Purchases in store

We open 8am – 11am on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. Please contact staff for appointments outside these hours. 

Uniform Orders

Items can be ordered either by:

Downloading and completing the Order form/Price list

Order Form and Price List

Online via the Flexischools Website/App

Register and Order Online

Email/Phone orders

All Items ordered will be delivered to either Joigny classrooms or left at reception for collection by senior students.

Embroidery, Braiding and Awards

At the end of the school year, embroidery, braiding and awards will be done through the Uniform shop.

Uniform Fittings for New Students

Prospective students are provided with a 30-minute personalized fitting service. These are typically scheduled between November and January for our annual intake of new students or by appointment at all other times.                   

Contact Details

Jo and Tania

p: 03 9835 2752

 e: uniform.shop@sac.vic.edu.au

The Second Hand Uniform Shop (SHUS)

The Parents’ Association is pleased to offer our school community the opportunity to better manage the costs associated with school uniforms. 

Our parent volunteers open the store for the purchase of high-quality second-hand uniforms.

The SHUS is staffed by current school parents as volunteers and is located in ‘The Cottage’ adjacent to the Joigny drop-off area and driveway exit to Dorrington Avenue.

Opening Hours

Mondays 8-9am  Term 1 & 4

Wednesdays 8-9am   27/3  2/4  30/4  7/5 14/5  18/6  25/6

Thursdays 8-9am    28/3  3/4  1/5 8/5  15/5  19/6  26/6

What we need: