Parents’ Association
Become involved!
“Warm, friendly and inclusive” aptly describes the Parents’ Association at Sacré Cœur. Parents automatically become members of the Association once their daughters are enrolled.
A dedicated team of parents from both the Junior and Senior School form an executive committee which oversees all parent functions and provides a voice for parents to the various interest groups at the School. Year level representatives organise functions for parents to meet and socialise. All parents are encouraged to become actively involved with the Association to some degree during their time at Sacré Cœur.
Through the fundraising efforts of the Parents’ Association the School has benefitted by being able to purchase equipment required by the School.
Events the Parents’ Association organise:-
- Welcome parent cocktail night
- Class representative gatherings
- Mother’s and Father’s Day events
- School fair
- Ladies Luncheons
- Sport catch ups
Current Events:-
Ladies Luncheon – Tickets sold here
For enquires please email the Parents’ Association.